Senin, 04 Juni 2012



Nama Sekolah               : SMA N I Sambit
Mata Pelajaran              : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/ semester             : X/1
Fokus / Skill                  : Reading
Alokasi Waktu              : 6 x 45 menit
Jumlah Pertemuan        : 3 kali

Standar Kompetensi
5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk  recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan

Kompetensi Dasar
5.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative, dan procedure
5.2.1       Menemukan main idea dalam paragraph dari teks  yang berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure agar  berlatih kerja keras.
5.2.2       Menentukan tujuan teks recount, narrative dan procedure agar gemar membaca.
5.2.3       Menyebutkan informasi rinci dalam teks berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure agar gemar membaca. 
5.2.4       Menjelaskan rujukan (reference) yang ada dalam teks berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure agar gemar membaca. 
5.2.5       Menjelaskan makna kata atau ungkapan tertentu dalam teks berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure agar gemar membaca. 
5.2.6       Menganalisis generic structure dari teks berbentuk recount,  narrative dan procedure agar  berlatih disiplin.
5.2.7       Menemukan nilai moral dalam teks recount dan narative bertema toleransi agar berlatih menghargai perbedaan.

Setelah mengkuti kegiatan  pembelajaran, peserta didik dapat:
1.     .Menemukan main idea tiap paragraph dari teks  yang berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure agar  berlatih kerja keras.
2.     Menentukan tujuan teks recount, narrative dan procedure agar gemar membaca.
3.     Menyebutkan informasi rinci dalam teks berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure agar gemar membaca. 
4.     Menjelaskan rujukan (reference) yang ada dalam teks berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure agar gemar membaca. 

5.     Menjelaskan makna kata atau ungkapan tertentu dalam teks berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure agar gemar membaca. 
6.     Menganalisis generic structure dari teks berbentuk recount,  narrative dan procedure agar  berlatih disiplin.
7.     Menemukan nilai moral dalam teks recount dan narative bertema toleransi agar berlatih menghargai perbedaan.

1.     Teks berbentuk recount
- Bacaan  berbentuk text recount
2.   Teks berbentuk narrative
- Bacaan berebentuk text narrative
3.   Teks berbentuk procedure
-   Bacaan berbentuk text procedure

 SQRRR (Survey Question Read Review Record) dan ceramah
Pertemuan Pertama
Peserta didik
Kegiatan Awal
1.     Salam dan mengecek kehadiran peserta didik
2.     Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

3.     Memotivasi peserta didik dengan menyampaikan kompetensi yang ingin dicapai
1.     Menjawab salam dari guru

2.     Mendengarkan penjelasan guru dengan seksama
3.     Memperhatikan guru
10 menit

Kegiatan Inti
4.     Menyuruh peserta didik melihat text recount sekilas (Survey)
5.     Mengarahkan peserta didik untuk memnbuat pertanyaan dari text recount tersebut (Question)
6.     Meminta peserta didik untuk membaca text recount (Read)
7.     Bersama  peserta didik mereview isi text tersebut (Review)
8.     Menyuruh peserta didik membuat ringkasan dari text yang dibaca tadi dengan menuliskan main idea dan supporting details dari tiap paragraph.
4.     Melihat text sekilas untuk mengetahui gambaran umum text
5.     Membuat pertanyaan dari text

6.     Membaca text

7.     Mengulang memahami isi text

8.     Membuat ringkasan isi text dengan menuliskan main idea dan supporting details dari tiap paragraph
5 menit

5 menit

25 menit

10 menit

25 menit


Kegiatan Akhir
9.     Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya tentang hal – hal yang belum di pahami
10.   Menyimpulkan materi yang telah dibahas
11.     Menutup dengan salam
9.     Bertanya tentang hal – hal yang belum dipahami

10.  Memperhatikan penjelasan guru

11.  Menjawab salam
3 menit

5 menit

2 menit

Pertemuan Kedua
Peserta Didik
Kegiatan Awal
1.     Salam dan mengecek kehadiran peserta didik

2.     Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

3.     Memotivasi peserta didik dengan menyampaikan kompetensi yang ingin dicapai
1.      Menjawab salam dari guru

2.     Mendengarkan penjelasan guru dengan seksama
3.     Memperhatikan guru

10 menit

Kegiatan Inti
4.     Menyuruh peserta didik melihat text narrative sekilas (Survey)
5.     Mengarahkan peserta didik untuk memnbuat pertanyaan dari text narrative tersebut (Question)
6.     Meminta peserta didik untuk membaca text (Read)
7.     Bersama  peserta didik mereview isi text tersebut (Review)
8.     Menyuruh peserta didik membuat ringkasan dari text yang dibaca tadi dengan menuliskan main idea dan supporting details dari tiap paragraph.
4.     Melihat text sekilas untuk mengetahui gambaran umum text
5.     Membuat pertanyaan dari text

6.     Membaca text

7.     Mengulang memahami isi text

8.     Membuat ringkasan isi text dengan menuliskan main idea dan supporting details dari tiap paragraph
5 menit

5 menit

25 menit

10 menit

25 menit

Kegiatan Akhir
9.   Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya tentang hal – hal yang belum di pahami
10.        Menyimpulkan materi yang telah dibahas
11.     Menutup dengan salam
9.     Bertanya tentang hal – hal yang belum dipahami

10.  Memperhatikan guru

11.  Menjawab salam
5 menit

3 menit

2 menit

Pertemuan Ketiga
Peserta didik
Kegiatan Awal
1.        1. Salam dan mengecek kehadiran peserta didik
2.     Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran
3.     Memotivasi peserta didik dengan menyampaikan kompetensi yang ingin dicapai

1.     Menjawab salam dari guru

2.     Mendengarkan penjelasan guru dengan seksama
3.     Memperhatikan guru
10 menit

Kegiatan Inti
4.     Menyuruh peserta didik melihat text procedure sekilas (Survey)
5.     Mengarahkan peserta didik untuk memnbuat pertanyaan dari text procedure tersebut (Question)
6.     Meminta peserta didik untuk membaca text (Read)
7.     Bersama  peserta didik mereview isi text tersebut (Review)
8.     Menyuruh peserta didik membuat ringkasan dari text yang dibaca tadi dengan menuliskan main idea dan supporting details dari tiap paragraph.
4.     Melihat text sekilas untuk mengetahui gambaran umum text
5.     Membuat pertanyaan dari text

6.     Membaca text

7.     Mengulang memahami isi text

8.     Membuat ringkasan isi text dengan menuliskan main idea dan supporting details dari tiap paragraph
5 menit

5 menit

25 menit

10 menit

25 menit


Kegiatan Akhir
9.     Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya tentang hal – hal yang belum di pahami
10.   Menyimpulkan materi yang telah dibahas
11.     Menutup dengan salam
9.     Bertanya tentang hal – hal yang belum dipahami

10.  Memperhatikan penjelasan guru

11.  Menjawab salam
3 menit

5 menit

2 menit

1.     Media Pembelajaran 
-        Reading text

2.     Sumber Pembelajaran           
-        Marsudiono. 2011. Strive to Master English. Modul  Bahasa Inggris SMAN I Sambit. Ponorogo halaman 56
-        PR Bahasa inggris , Intan Pariwara halaman 7

1.     Teknik Penilaian        : Tes
2.     Bentuk Instrument      : Penilaian Tes Tulis

    VII.             Rubrik Penilaian Reading
Jawaban benar.
Jawaban salah.

Skor maksimal = 10
Nilai siswa         =   Skor perolehan   X 100 = . . . .
                                  Skor maksimal
                           = Skor perolehan  X 100 = . . . .

1.     Instrumen penilaian lengkap dengan soal dan jawaban
2.     Hand out materi

Kepala Sekolah

Drs. Djamil Effendi
NIP 19570715 198303 1 023 

         Sambit, 20 Oktober 2011
Guru Bahasa Inggris

Marsudiono, S.Pd
NIP 19740821 200701 1 008

A. Instrumen Penilaian
1.               Soal
a. Recount
The Zoo Job Story
One day a clown was visiting the zoo and attempted to earn some money by making a street performance. He acted and mimed perfectly some animal acts. As soon as he started to drive a crowd, a zoo keeper grabbed him and dragged him into his office. The zoo keeper explained to the clown that the zoo's most popular gorilla had died suddenly and the keeper was fear that attendance at the zoo would fall off. So he offered the clown a job to dress up as the gorilla until the zoo could get another one. The clown accepted this great opportunity.
So the next morning the clown put on the gorilla suit and entered the cage before the crowd came. He felt that it was a great job. He could sleep all he wanted, played and made fun of people and he drove bigger crowds than he ever did as a clown. He pretended the gorilla successfully.
However, eventually the crowds were tired of him for just swinging on tires. He began to notice that the people were paying more attention to the lion in the next cage. Not wanting to lose the attention of his audience, he decided to make a spectacular performance. He climbed to the top of his cage, crawled across a partition, and dangled from the top to the lion's cage. Of course, this made the lion furious, but the crowd people loved it.
At the end of the day the zoo keeper came and gave him a raise for being such a good attraction. Well, this went on for some time, he kept taunting the lion, the audience crowd grew a larger, and his salary kept going up. Then one terrible day happened. When he was dangling over the furious lion, he slipped and fell into the lion cage. The clown was really in big terrible situation. He was terrified.
Sooner the lion gathered itself and prepared to pounce. The clown was so scared. He could do nothing and he began to run round and round the cage with the lion close and closer behind. Finally, the lion could catch him. The clown started screaming and yelling, "Help me, help me!", but the lion was quick and pounces. The clown soon found himself flat on his back looking up at the angry lion and suddenly he heard a voice from the lion’s mouth; "Shut up you idiot! Do you want to get us both fired?"

Answer the following questions based on the text above!
1.     What is the main idea of the text?
2.     Who is getting a job to dress up as the gorilla in the zoo?
  1. How the gorilla get the attention from his audience?
  2. “The clown accepted this great opportunity”
What is the synonym of “opportunity”?
  1. “Finally, the lion could catch him”
What does the word “him” refers to?
  1. Why the lion become furious toward the gorilla?
  2. Why the audience paying more attention to the lion than the gorilla?
  3. How the gorilla’s destiny after climbed to the top of lion cage?
  4. How the ending of that story?
  5. What is the type of the text?

b. Narative
The Myth of Malin Kundang
   A long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatra, a woman and her son lived. They were Malin Kundang and her mother. Her mother was a single parent because Malin Kundang's father had passed away when he was a baby. Malin Kundang had to live hard with his mother.
Malin Kundang was a healthy, diligent, and strong boy. He usually went to sea to catch fish. After getting fish he would bring it to his mother, or sold the caught fish in the town.
One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing, he saw a merchant's ship which was being raided by a small band of pirates. He helped the merchant. With his brave and power, Malin Kundang defeated the pirates. The merchant was so happy and thanked to him. In return the merchant asked Malin Kundang to sail with him. To get a better life, Malin Kundang agreed. He left his mother alone.
Many years later, Malin Kundang became wealthy. He had a huge ship and was helped by many ship crews loading trading goods. Perfectly he had a beautiful wife too. When he was sailing his trading journey, his ship landed on a beach near a small village. The villagers recognized him. The news ran fast in the town; “Malin Kundang has become rich and now he is here”.
An old woman ran to the beach to meet the new rich merchant. She was Malin Kundang’s mother. She wanted to hug him, released her sadness of being lonely after so long time. Unfortunately, when the mother came, Malin Kundang who was in front of his well dressed wife and his ship crews denied meeting that old lonely woman. For three times her mother begged Malin Kundang and for three times he yelled at her. At last Malin Kundang said to her "Enough, old woman! I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly woman!" After that he ordered his crews to set sail. He would leave the old mother again but in that time she was full of both sadness and angriness. Finally, enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into a stone if he didn't apologize. Malin Kundang just laughed and really set sail.
In the quiet sea, suddenly a thunderstorm came. His huge ship was wrecked and it was too late for Malin Kundang to apologize. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship. He fell on a small island. It was really too late for him to avoid his curse. Suddenly, he turned into a stone.
Answer the questions below based on the text above!
1.     When did Malin Kundang’s father die?
2.     Where did Malin Kundang usually sell  the fish?
3.     “After getting fish he would bring it to his mother, or sold the caught fish in the town.” (Paragraph 2 line 2). What does the word ‘it’ refer to?
4.     Why did Malin Kundang help the merchant?
5.      “He had a huge ship and was helped by many ship crews loading trading goods. Perfectly he had a beautiful wife too.” What does the word huge mean?
6.     How did Malin Kundang  react to his mother when she met him?
7.     What did Malin Kundang say to his mother when he denied her as his mother?
8.     Why did Malin Kundang’s mother  curse him so that he would turn into a stone?
9.     Where did Malin Kundang turn into a stone?
10.  What moral values can you take from the story above?
1.                                                                                        c. Procedure


-           White Rice that's previously been cooked
-           Yellow Onion
-           Garlic
-           3 Eggs
-           Bean Sprouts
-           Black Pepper
-           Salt
-           Fresh Ginger
-           Soy Sauce
-           Green Onion
-           Sesame Oil
-           Shrimp, Chicken, and/or pork/tofu(optional)


  1. Put about 6 cups of rice into your rice cooker. Let it steam until it is ready.
  2. Wash the vegetables. Then, dice the carrots and onions into small pieces. Set them aside for the next step.
  3. Add oil and heat up the pan to 100 degrees.
  4. Toss the vegetables into the pan for about 3 minutes. Add 1 teaspoon of salt into the pan.
  5. Boil the chicken or shrimp with the rest of the ingredients (optional).
  6. Put a bit more oil into the frying pan.
  7. Toss the rice in carefully.
  8. Add an egg and scramble with the other ingredients. Add approximately 2 to 3 tablespoons of soy sauce while frying.
  9. Put fried rice on a dish and it's ready to serve

Answer the following questions based on the text above!
  1. What is the text about?
  2. What is ingredients to make fried rice?
  3. How do you make the fried rice?
  4. Then, dice the carrots and onions into small pieces. What is the synonym of dice (steps 2 line 2)?
  5. Which sentence of the text shows that fried rice is very easy to make?
  6. Put fried rice on a dish and it’s ready to serve. The word ‘it‘ refers to….
  7. Which ingredient is  added earlier rice or vegetable?
  8. When we add the vegetable into frying pan?
  9. What process must we do after add oil and heat up the pan to 100 degrees?
  10. Why is make fried rice very easy?

Remedial Teaching
1. Recount
One day I went to Surabaya with my friends for a vacation. We went there on a night bus.
When we arrived in Lamongan, the bus stopped at a small restaurant for a rest. I got off the bus to get a cup of ginger tea, and my friend drank some cold lemonade. Then I went to the toilet. It took only a few minutes.
When I came out again, the bus was not there. It had gone! My friend was not there too. Feeling shocked and confused, I asked a waitress about the bus. She said that bus departed about five minutes ago.

I tried to call my friend on my cell-phone, but the battery was running low.

I couldn't do anything but hope and pray. After several minutes, my wish came true. The bus came back! Got on the bus and walked to my seat.
Answer the following questions!
1.     What does the story tell us about?
2.     What is the purpose of the text ?
3.     What did the writer do when the bus stop for a rest in Lamongan?
4.     “It had gone”. Paragraph 2 line 1. What does the word ‘it’ refer to?
5.     Why was the writer left by the bus?
6.     What did the writer do after knowing that the bus has left him?
7.     Did the writer’s expectation finally could be realized?
8.     Why did the writer’s face turned red?
9.     What moral value can you take from the text?
10.  What  is the second paragraph mostly about?

That Phone Off
            Soon after he left college, Dave found one of his uncles who was very rich and had no children of his own died and left him a lot of money, so he decided to set up his own real estate agency.
            Dave found a nice office. He bought some new furniture and moved in. he had only been there for e few hours when he heard someone coming toward the door of his office.
            “It must be my first customer” Dave thought. He quickly picked up the telephone and pretended to be very busy answering an important call from someone in New York who wanted to buy a big and expensive house in the country.
            The man knocked at the door while this was going on. He came in and waited politely for Dave to finish his conversation on the phone. Then the man said to Dave; “I am from the telephone company and I was sent here to connect your telephone”
1.   What is the text above?
2.   Who is Dave?
3.   Why Dave becomes a very rich man?
4.   “ It must be my first customer”. The word “it” (paragraph 2 line 2) refers to?
5.   He bought some furniture and moved in (paragraph 2 line 1). What does the word it “furniture” mean?
6    What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
7.   What do the man want to do  in the Dave’s office?
8.   Where is the man come from?
9.   The man knocked at the door while this was going on. What does the word “this” (paragraph 4 line 1) refer to?
10. What is the synonym of company?
b.    Narrative
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet lived in Verona. They met at party and it was love at first sight. Their families were enemies so the young couple could not meet in the open. They got married in secret with the help of a priest, Friar Laurence, and Juliet’s maid.
Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt, hated Romeo and the Montagues. One day, he met Romeo and his friend Mercutio in the street. They had a sword fight and Mercutio was killed. Romeo was so upset that he attacked and killed Tybalt in revenge.
As a result of this, Romeo had to leave Verona to save his life. He visited Juliet secretly that night and then left for Mantua. Juliet’s parents wanted Juliet to marry Paris, a friend of the family. They arranged the marriage and Juliet was horrified. She asked friar Laurence to help her. He suggested a plain: he gave her a drug to make her sleep for a long time and appear dead to everyone else. When Juliet woke up, she could join Romeo in Mantua. Friar Laurence promised to write to Romeo and explain the plan.
The night before the wedding, Juliet took the drug and her family found her “dead” in the morning. The wedding celebration turned into a funeral. Unfortunately, Romeo never received the letter from Friar Laurence. He returned to Verona, when he found Juliet’s body. He thought she was dead and he was so devastated that the killed himself. When Juliet woke up and saw Romeo lying dead beside her, she killed herself too, with his dagger.
As a result of this tragic of events, the Capulets and the Montagues agreed to stop fighting and live in peace together
Answer the questions below based on the text above!
1.     Who was Tybalt?
2.     Where did Romeo and Juliet live?
3.     Where did they meet?
4.     Why were they not able to see in the open?
5.     Who was Mercutio?
6.     Did Juliet Marry Paris? Why?
7.     Why did Romeo kill himself?
8.     What happened to the two families after this tragedy?
9.     “He returned to Verona, when he found Juliet’s body.” (paragraph 4 line 3) The word ‘returned’ can be replaced by….
10.  “They got married in secret with the help of a priest, Friar Laurence, and Juliet’s maid.” (paragraph 1 line 2). What does the word ‘they’ refer to?

E. Enrichment
Copy and read the short story at
 and make synopsis !
By       : Marshoulddie Onno
            I had appointment with Amy to meet her at the second floor of library building in my campus. I promised her to come on time at exactly nine o’clock in the morning. We were going to discuss the introductory chapter of her thesis. I didn’t know why I had so voluntarily eager to help her. In fact, my own thesis was still facing so many troubles, a never-ending serious problems. I leaved my boarding house in Karangmalang area in hurry. There was no figure in my mind but the face of Amy.
Soon after arriving at library, I put my bag in the drawer at the first floor and went up stair. Coming to the second floor. I let my eyes look around at every corner of the room to find her. I walked around restlessly. Finally, my eyes caught a figure of a pretty girl sitting on the chair reading a book. I watched her enthusiastically and then walked approaching her.
“Amy…Have you been long waiting for me?” I said in a soft voice.
“Hi Leo…not yet…just a moment.” Amy answered my question while threw a sweet smile at me.
I had a seat beside her. My heart went on trembling. I didn’t understand why every time I met her, my heart was always beating wildly. To hide my nervousness I tried to have a look at her paper.
“Yesterday I’d tried writing the introductory chapter of my thesis. I found it hard to arrange words into sentence and sentences into a coherence paragraph like yours. Here is the result of my writing. I’m not sure whether it is right or wrong. Anyway, I’d be very happy if you don’t mind lending me a hand to revise it.” Amy talked so provocatively pleading me.
“Let me see…hm…it’s quite well. I catch the ideas that you convey. But…it seems to me that you need to refine your grammar and choice of words.” I tried to give comment which did not offend her heart.
“What about the title of my thesis, is it alright?”
“That’s ok… you are quite well in relating your content and the title. The ideas are clear enough.”
“Which one should I revise?”
“Sorry Amy …..It’s not an easy task to determine it. I need to think over. I don’t think I can do it here. Any way..….If you don’t mind may I take it home?”
            “ Oh…. It’s really no matter but I’m afraid if it’ll disturb your own thesis.” Amy said politely.
            “Never think about it. Make sure that I can divide time fairly for my own interest and yours. You know that my thesis is also in relation to equality. I must be justice even to myself.” I argued provocatively.
            “Thank you very much Leo for your help.”
            “ Don’t mention it. Today I help you, but on the other day I certainly need other people help. We are Moslem. We have to help each other. Well… so...when will we meet again?”
            “ How about tomorrow morning. I’ll see you at your boarding house about at nine o’clock. Are you convenient?”
            “It’s a good idea. By the way, do you have class now?”
“ Yeach… I’m going to down stairs right away. How about you?”
            “ So am I, I’ve got another appointment with someone. As you see, to add my pocket money I teach in a college and open a translation service.”
            “OK…. Let’s go.”
            I was really happy. My plan ran well. What a great day I had at library with her. Oh…Amy…I would conquer your heart! You’d be mine forever. You drove me crazy. I couldn’t think of anything but her stature.
 It was really a nice morning. The sun shone like a polished coin. The morning air smelt as fresh as spring. The day was a special gift. I opened it like a child wishing for a surprise. I’d cleaned my room. I’d prepared everything to welcome her, the queen of my heart. By the time of her arrival, I was always restless. What should I do and say? How should I treat her? Oh…. Let it flow!
            “Assalamu alaikum!” a soft voice startled me.
            “Wa alaikum salam” I answered her greeting politely.
            “ Oh Amy… It’s really nice to meet you. Come on in and have a seat please. Sorry I cannot provide a place as comfortable as yours.”
            “…You’ve prepared everything well for me. I like simplicity and tidy like this. Leo… I do beg your pardon for disturbing you. I’m poor in writing subject so that make you trouble. “
            “Amy… never says such a word anymore. I feel really delighted to be able to help you. Amy… one who cannot help other people by his wealthy will be happy if he can assist others using his ideas and thought.  Isn’t like that our religious teaching?”
            “ Firstly I was frustrated by this final task. I almost despaired facing this endless problem. It’s really a good luck for me finding a boy such as you whom voluntarily and kindly offer aid to me. Suppose you don’t want to help me, what will happen to me. Maybe my four years study will be in vain.” She spoke emotionally.
I saw her eyes turning into red and a drop of tear flew slowly behind her beautiful eyeglasses.  I couldn’t stand looking at her. A feeling of pity crept into my heart.
            “Don’t worry Amy. Don’t be upset. We are classmates. I promise I’ll do my best to help you until finish. It’s a duty of a friend Amy. One Moslem and another are like brother. All people need other people. Everyone needs care and attention.”
            The first meeting in my boarding house took a long time. More than three hours we spent time talking about our background of life. I didn’t realize why the topic of our discussion came to family and background of life.
            Day by day went on so quickly. My relation with Amy got closer and closer. She went to my boarding house so often that many people thought she was my girl friend. I never realized that her frequent coming to my boarding house made my next-door neighbors jealous. They provoked me that she really loved me very much, only she didn’t dare to express it since she is a girl. It’s I who had to say it first.
            Firstly, I never had such a feeling like that. Instead, I only intended to help her. That’s all. Nevertheless, I didn’t know why now I felt for her. Most of my friends supported me and encouraged me to express directly my love to her. I doubt whether she really loved me or not. She came from a rich family and I’m from a poor family. I realized who am I.
            It’s quite impossible in present time a girl such as Amy who accustomed living in a materialistic and hedonistic orientation would accept me only because I had helped her.
            My thesis problems mingled with Amy’s affair. In this hard condition even, I received a letter from my sweet heart in Malang. I had known her since I was a senior high school student but we loved each other lately when I was at the edge of my study in University. We had loved each other so deeply. Almost every month I wrote a letter for her but I met her only once at her home in Malang. She was studying in management department.
            What such a complicated problem I faced. In fact, my parents didn’t welcome well my sweet heart, Annie. They consider Annie still need a long time to finish her study. If I married her, it meant that her burden of living and studying would be mine. However, it was impossible for me to betray her since she was an orphan girl and Allah loved her. If I betrayed her, it meant I committed a war against Allah, my creator.
            My heart and my thought fought hardly. I was just like an unmanned boat in the middle of ocean. Doubt drove me crazy. Hamlet, one of Shakespeare works gave me a solution. I didn’t only ever read the drama comprehensively but I ever see the film as well. I thought I was Hamlet. I should not be crazy because of doubtfulness. Finally, I decided to find certainty by expressing my feeling to Amy. My intention was only to know whether she really loved me or not.
            One day, I phoned her and made an appointment to come and see her at her boarding house on the next day.
 I turned on the bell of her boarding house twice as a code of calling her. After a moment, she had appeared in front of the door. She looked pale and sad. I entered into the room and sat besides her.
            “ Amy… My coming here is not for doing triangulation of my thesis but I have a very serious problem with you. “
            “What kind of problem do you have?” Amy replied in a soft voice full of astonishment.
            “ You know Amy…. Your frequent coming to my boarding house… one hand made our friendship closer but on the other hand it has drove me into confusion.”
            “ Why can it be like that? What’s wrong with me?”
            “You are not wrong Amy…. To speak frankly Amy….. I…. I…fall for you. “
These words were a thunder in Amy’s ear. She kept silent for a moment.
            “ Leo… I appreciate your brevity and your honesty to express your feeling. Nevertheless, I do beg your pardon if my answer cannot satisfy your heart. I want to keep the relation between you and me as it was. I only want to be a friend and not more than that. The relation in friendship is longer than love. Leo… if I collect all of my parents wealthy and I give them all to you, it is not enough to pay your help to me. That is why, I want to be your friend forever….one day …I still need your help.”
Actually, I had guest that it would be the answer and now what I guest was right. My doubt had gone away.
            “ Amy it’s your right to make decision like that. It doesn’t really matter. Please forgive me if I have offended your heart.”
            “ You are not wrong Leo, every man has right to express his love to woman in the same way as every woman has right to jilt a man.”
I left her boarding house with no burden anymore and it reminded me that now I was in the hospital.
 More than two weeks I was bedridden in hospital. In my weakest condition, I should be forced to grapple with tuberculoses in one hand and to finish my thesis revision on the other hand. I was about to give up. I left everything to the hand of God. If I had to end up my life here so be it. I’d be happy to take for granted my fate. I was hopeless and helpless. I repented why I expressed my feeling to Amy if only to made her offended. What a great sin I had done. What a poor man I was doing such a fool thing in front of her. My heart was infatuated. It was a slender of my foolish.
            My imagination went flash back to the past event. It’s the first day and the first time I stayed in hospital. It’s also the first time I knew exactly that Amy jilted me. It’s Buddy, my close friend who hospitalized me and also brought me news that she didn’t love me.
            “Its too late Buddy. Your information is useless. I have broken her heart by breaking my own heart. It’s unbearable. Why don’t you tell me at that time?”
            “ I’m afraid you’ll be offended. It’s my fault. Please forgive me. “
            “Never mind. It has come to the pass. “ Unintentionally, tear dropped from my eyes just like a dew drop from the grass. Again, I went back to my pass memory.
            My desperation made me work so hard. I did my thesis day and night. I hardly ever took a rest. I kept on doing Amy’s thesis even harder and quicker than before. I hoped in this way I could pay my sin to Amy. I forced myself to work overtime. Besides,  I also wrote a literary work entitled Birunya Langit Yogya, meant the blue sky above Yogyakarta. It contained my maneuver of love to Amy. If my words that I uttered on that day were poison, I expected that this
book would be a honey. I started the first chapter by staying in Parangtritis beach for a day to look for inspiration.
 Finishing this book, soon I gave her as the first and the last present. After working so hard finally the day of thesis examination came and I could pass it well with “A” mark. It really made me happy. Feminism was the theme of my thesis. A week after this exam I felt sick. Tuberculoses had destroyed my lung. Then, Buddy took me into this hospital.
            Now I would wait for nothing but dead. This dreadful malady would take my soul away. This great affliction tortured my soul. She visited me in the hospital with her classmates. I was startled, unsure of what I was seeing. The sight of Amy. I almost couldn’t stand crying when looking at my friends one by one. Amy was among them. She had stolen my heart. And now like an angel she would take my soul away. Her love did not kill me but poisoned my life.
Amy…Once a bright light of our golden age in friendship died, it would die. Amy… you were the light of the east. Once called the queen of my heart, you also had been dabbed the girl of the morning calm.  A sweet-faced girl set your heart at rest. I had not been as good a friend as you had expected, bidding farewell to you. You’re coming here just to have a last look at me. Goodbye and I hope you enjoy long life and good health.
            I lost my appetite. I couldn’t swallow even a spoon of rice. An empty stomach made my body weak. The reflection of the misery I had just experienced and the echo of desperate cries were still lingering in my mind. It made me sick. It’s my own fault. I’d first raised a dust and then complained that I couldn’t see. 18 days in hospital had elapsed. A good treatment of my kind doctor and the help
of Allah had escorted me into a good recovery of my health. I was happy even though I still needed to consume medicine for at least six months to cure my illness.  What such a long journey to get my health back.
At the other place, arriving at home after coming home from campus, Annie in hurry reached the letter lying on the floor under the door. It’s a letter from Leo. She kissed it and jumped for a joy to the bed. Quickly she opened the envelope and read the letter. The letter said:
Dearest my sweet heart Annie,
With kind regard, I blow the wind of happiness to your town. I hope nothing but you also enjoy my happiness. My sickness is a gold bridge toward your heart. Annie,…I would be very glad if you could come on my graduation day. I’ll share my pride and happiness with you. There is no happiness more joyful to me other than you are besides me forever. My love to you has been deeply planted in my heart that I cannot live without your love.
Please pray for me, May I get a good job soon after I graduated. After that, wait me to engage you. In addition, the hit of all our pride and happiness is when we marry.
I think that’s all from me now, please tell me whether you could manage the time or not.
With love

Annie was my first and my last love. I had closed all the doors and windows of my heart to other women. I could have said a word when the pretty little girl lay in my arms. Annie said nothing but “never leave me and be my love forever.” Just us and the mountain in Kaliurang witnessed our promise. We rose our pray to the heaven may
Allah blesses our love. No one was happier on this graduation day than me. Annie was besides me.  I had passed the long winding way toward her heart. A hard time was over and I still waited for the next harder journey.
The end

B.Hand Out Matery
1. Recount
a.          The Definition and Social Function of Recount
            Recount text is a type of spoken or written text that deals with past experiences . It is a text that tells us about what had happened in series of events in sequence. Recount means calling past memory. It tells what happened in the past. It is a true story. Therefore, this text is written based on someone’s true experience. That is why the subject of the story is I or we. There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative.
The purpose of recount text is to inform and/or to entertain the listeners or readers or to tell an event in the past time chronologically. In other words this text is aimed to tell the readers what happened in the past through a sequence of events.
b. The Generic Structure of Recount Text
-        Orientation        :an introduction that providers the setting and introduces participations . In orientation the writer at least introduces the main character(s), the location and the time. To make it easier we can answer the questions:
- Who involved in the story?
- Where it happened?
- When it happened?
-                                   - Events                    : Describing series of event that happened in the past. It tells what happened, in a sequence. In series of events the writer writes the events chronologically. It begins from the first event, followed by the second event to the the last event. The sum of events depend on the creativity of the writer.
-                                   - Reorientation        : Closure of events . In reorientation the writer draw a conclusion or gives comment about the story. Not all recount text closed by reorientation. It is optional Stating personal comment of the writer to the story.

c. Significant Lexicon Grammatical Features
-          Focus on specific participants
-          Use of material processes
-          Circumstances of time and place
-          Use of past tense
-          Focus on temporal sequence

d.  Characteristics of Recount Text:
Here are some characteristics of recount text:
-        Using Past Tense  : walked, did not want
-        Action verbs         : bought, went, enjoyed
-        Indicates When     : when I was at home
-        Indicates Where    : I went to the town square of Ponorogo.
-        Focuses on Individuals     : I , We
-        Use of pronouns and nouns ( David, he, she)
-        Use of action verbs in past (went, studied)
-        Use of adverbial phrases
-        Use of adjectives
-        Using chronological connection; then, first, etc
-        Using linking verb; was, were, saw, heard, etc

e. Model of Recount Text
1). Orientation
            On this day I was so unhappy. Because there were some incidents that blamed myself gradually. Not just one or two but three incidents that made me so sad. It had happened when I was at home alone about two or three months  before today to point at August 21, this year.
2). Sequence of Events
            First, at the morning I had headache where this sick was too disturbed me. And you know I never got it yet before. I could not stand on quietly so that I felt this earth  walked around me. Probably, it happened because I ate too much traditional Javanese snack whose called ‘Gadung’. Yap, I like this snack so much. So, when my friend brought it for me I was happy and without compromise I ate those ‘Gadung’ until nothing to leave one or more ‘Gadung’ in the plate. And the result was this sick. I got intoxication. It made me torture. Then, I called my friend to come to my house . I had him escort me to go to the nearest hospital. Because no one in my house. All my family went to my first cousin wedding party in  Pacitan town. They were there since two days ago.
            In the hospital the doctor would give me injection. I was so afraid. Exactly, I did not want to receive that injection  but the doctor compelled me. So, I was to be forced to accept that injection. Then, the doctor gave me prescription of my headache and had me take a rest  more.
            When I felt very well, I was hungry. And I went to the traditional mini restaurant to buy some foods. I bought Javanese baked glutinous rice, fried rice with more chilly and sauce. Then,  I bought an orange juice, some Javanese roast, and fried chicken too. After that I ate all of them until I felt so satisfied.
            An hour was to go by. Suddenly, my stomach was pined by an any sharpened thing. Yah, it was very sick. I just could hold my stomach. And I took an ‘Entrostop’ to lighten this sick more. Formerly, in an hour  I had eleven times went to the closed. Wow, I was so frowned. When I felt better, I just could take all of the day.
            At the night, I felt fresh again. So I had plan to walk around with my friend by motor cycle to the town center. I went to the town square of Ponorogo. We just saw people with all of their activities. I did it in a traditional coffee shop. Yah, we enjoyed so much because we met the other friends who join with us. So, we shared with the young laugh until a long time.
            When I saw my watch, it showed at 11.00 p.m. Then, we dispersed and went home. When I and my friend almost arrived at my house, it was about 500 meters before my house, suddenly ‘Dooor’ I got my cycle out of air. I was so surprised. ”Oh shit! It is a night! No one of motorcycle workshop is  still open.” I thought. So, I just could say, “My bad day.” And I was to start my motorcycle by the hand until to the house. This night my friend slept in my home.
3). Reorientation
Yah, it was “My Worst Day.” I always remember this story and may it will be a lesson for the readers.
2. Narrative
a. Definition and Social Function of Narrative Text
Narrative Text is a text containing story. It can be in the form of folktale/ folklore, fable, Legend, short story, fairy tale, myth, etc. The main function of this text is to entertain the readers with actual or imaginary experience in different ways. Narrative always deals with some problems which lead to the climax and then turn into a solution to the problem.

b. Generic Structure of Narrative Text
1). Orientation
            It is the background of the story which tells about who, when, where, and what is the story about.

 2). Complication:
A problem arises and followed by other problems which lead to the climax of conflict in the story. A story can have complication more than one.
3). Evaluation:
It is optional. The aims is to make the story more interesting.
3). Resolution:
It is the problem solving of the problem which can end with happy ending or sad ending or tragedy.

c. Language Features of Narrative Text
1.     Use of noun phrases ( a beautiful princess, a huge temple)
2.     Use of adverbial phrases of time and place ( in the garden, two
            days ago)
3.     Use of simple past tense ( He walked away from the village)
4.     Use of action verbs ( walked, slept)
5.     Use of adjectives phrases ( long black hair)
d. Model of Narrative Text
Romeo and Juliet
Orientation:               Montague and Juliet Capulet lived in Verona. They met at party and it was love at first sight. Their families were enemies so the young couple could not meet in the open. They got married in secret with the help of a priest, friar Laurence, and Juliet’s maid.
Complication:           Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt, hated Romeo and the Montagues. One day, he met Romeo and his friend Mercutio in the street. They had a sword fight and Mercutio was killed. Romeo was so upset that he attacked and killed Tybalt m revenge.
Evaluation:                 As a result of this, Romeo had to leave Verona to save his life. He visited Juliet secretly that night and then left for Mantua. Juliet’s parents wanted Juliet to marry Paris, a friend of the family. They arranged the marriage and Juliet was horrified. She asked friar Laurence to help her. He suggested a plain: he gave her a drug to make her sleep for a long time and appear dead to everyone else. When Juliet woke up, she could join Romeo in Mantua. Friar Laurence promised to write to Romeo and explain the plan.
Resolution:                 The night before the wedding, Juliet took the drug and her family found her “dead” in the morning. The wedding celebration turned into a funeral. Unfortunately, Romeo never received the letter from friar Laurence. He returned to Verona, when he found Juliet’s body. He thought she was dead and he was so devastated that the killed himself. When Juliet woke up and saw Romeo lying dead beside her, she killed herself too, with his dagger.
As a result of this tragic of events, the Capulets and the Montagues agreed to stop fighting and live in peace together
a. Definition and Social Function of Procedure
Procedure tells us about how to do a task or make something. They can be a set of instructions or directions. Its social function is to help us do a task or make something. They can be a set of instruction or directions.
b. Generic Structure of procedure
-     Goal (The final purpose of doing the instructions)
-        Materials (Ingredients, utensils, equipments to do the instructions)
-        Steps (A set of instruction to achieve the final purpose)

c. Language Features
-        Use of imperative ( Cut…….., Don’t mix……..)
-        Use of action verbs (turn, put)
-        Use of connectives(first, then, finally)
-        Use present tense e.g. spray
-        Include technical terms when you need to e.g. friable
-        Use words that tell the reader how, when and where to perform the task e.g. fill, firmly.

d. Model of Procedure Text

1). Goal          : How to Make Fried Rice

2). Material/ Ingredients:

·        White Rice that's previously been cooked
  • Yellow Onion
  • Garlic
  • 3 Eggs
  • Bean Sprouts
  • Black Pepper
  • Salt
  • Fresh Ginger
  • Soy Sauce
  • Green Onion
  • Sesame Oil
·        Shrimp, Chicken, and/or pork/tofu(optional)
3). Steps:
1.     Put about 6 cups of rice into your rice cooker. Let it steam until it       is ready.
2.     Wash the vegetables. Then, dice the carrots and onions into small pieces. Set them aside for the next step.
3.     Add oil and heat up the pan to 100 degrees.
4.     Toss the vegetables into the pan for about 3 minutes. Add 1 teaspoon of salt into the pan.
5.     Boil the chicken or shrimp with the rest of the ingredients (optional)
6.     Put a bit more oil into the frying pan.
7.     Toss the rice in carefully.
8.     Add an egg and scramble with the other ingredients. Add approximately 2 to 3 tablespoons of soy sauce while frying.
9.     Put fried rice on a dish and it's ready to serve